Enhance your curves.
The majority of us have a least one or two bulges that we would rather get rid of. Often, despite a healthy lifestyle, these stubborn pockets of fat just refuse to disappear. Liposuction is a body surgical procedure which allows us to permanently remove unwanted fat cells. In our operating room we use VASER technology. This high definition liposuction tool provides the most precise and advanced liposuction results. It combines ultrasound waves during the liposuction procedure to improve the extraction of fat and provide superior results. This is a real surgical procedure that needs to be done by a highly trained professional. Liposuction can also be done on its own or it is used as a tool during other surgeries, like a tummy tuck or a breast reduction, in order to provide additional sculpting.
It’s important to understand that liposuction only removes fat cells and does not tighten your skin. Liposuction should not be considered as a way to lose weight, it merely serves to enhance contours. The fat removed in liposuction can be purified and transferred to other parts of the body, for example; the buttocks for a Brazilian butt lift.
Combine with a tummy tuck or a breast reduction. An integral technique for fat transfer.
Quick facts
How long is the surgery?
Length of the surgery varies depending on the number of areas treated. One area typically takes one hour.
General or local anesthesia?
The surgery is done in the operating room often under local anesthetic with light sedation or under general anesthesia if the treatment is more extensive.
When can I go home?
The same day as the procedure
When can I shower?
Recovery time?
Depending on the extent of the treatment you can expect to return to work 5-14 days after being treated.
When can I exercise?
Most patients will begin resuming physical activities 4 weeks after surgery.
The treated area is tender, and can feel as if you have a bruise for about 2 weeks after the surgery. The overlying skin will feel numb for 6-8 weeks. I recommend my patients wear a compressive surgical garment for 3-4 weeks to ensure the best results.
Dr. Sandra is the best. She has knowledge, compassion, understands what your looking for. Kind, considerate, explains everything. there are not enough words in the dictionary to describe her 100%. You have to met and interact with her and you will know exactly what I am talking about lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
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